Thursday, April 27, 2017

OID OVD Tuning

OID Tuning


  1. OID Search limits
    Minimize the number for ‘Max no. of entries to be returned by a search’  to utilize the optimum memory resources ; Below screen is the default settings.  Should change based on the requirements.
    Maximum time allowed for a search to complete (sec) – change to 600
    Anonymous Bind change to Disallow

  1. OID Performance properties
    Below screen tells the default setting..

Change the following parameters:

Number of OID LDAP Server Processes  = 4
                [should be equal to the OS allocated CPUs ; for archTest CPUs are 4]
Number of DB Connections per Server Process= 10 
                [if 4 processes then 40 ldap connections]         
LDAP Idle Connection Timeout (min) = 60
                [default is 0]

Number of Dispatcher Threads per Server Process = 5120
Number of Dispatcher Threads per Server Process =10


  1. Indexing the OID Attributes:

1.      Make sure the following attributes are Indexed in OID :[from ODSM-Schemas tab and select the specified attribute  in Attr definition screen right should be checked the Indexed field] :

2.      Indexing attributes using the catalog tool:

a)      Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the your IDM ORACLE_HOME installation. If you’ve accepted the names given to you by the Oracle Installer, this value is typically $MW_HOME/Oracle_IDM1. The catalog tool is found under $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin

b) Set the ORACLE_INSTANCE environment variable to your IDM instance installation. If you’ve accepted the names given to you by the Oracle Installer, this value is typically $MW_HOME/asinst_1. Under $ORACLE_INSTANCE you should find a tnsnames.ora under the config folder. This is where the catalog tool gets your database connection details.

c) Run
$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin/catalog connect=”OIDDB” add=true attribute=”assistant”

  1. OID DB Tuning

a. DB global settings : Make sure the following parameters values should not be less than the specified below values.
sga_target & sga_max_size  - set upto DB HOST RAM 60%
processes  - 500
pga_aggregate_target - set this to 1-4GB, if sufficient RAM is available
job_queue_processes - Tune this parameter only if you are using Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based multi master replication

b. Increase the DB connections (Optional):

Increase the DB connections for each process:  Refer the step 2 for this param change..

 Number of DB Connections per Server Process  - 10  [this case, if we increasing the server processes to 4 then 40 db connections will consume]

* For all the above changes, requires to bounce the Oracle DB, OPMN processes.
* Requires to follow the above configurations for each OID instance installed host machine.

OVD Tuning

  1. OVD- OS Tuning:

Change the ulimit param to 8192  or unlimited

  1. OVD – JVM Tuning

a)   Set OVD admin & wls_ods  instances JVM settings
/usr/java6_64/bin/java    -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m
-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Xss512K  ???:
change to:
/usr/java6_64/bin/java    -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m

b)   Latest JDK:
Make sure the OVD configured to the Latest JDK installed on the host machine configured..
Presently Oracle_IDM1/jdk version is lower than the IBM Host machine default JDK version.
So, change the OVD JDK steps:
In opmn.xml file  under <ias-component id=”ovd1”> change the jdk paths for the following tags..
    <data id="java-bin" value="/usr/java6_64/bin/java"/>
     <action value="exec /usr/java6_64/bin/java
        <launch-target id="logquery">
          <exec path="/usr/java6_64/bin/java"/>

c)   Set the jvm memory parameters in opmn.xml file

JVM Tuning in opmn.xml file..Change OVD JVM Memory to 2048m.
Change backend ldaps time out to 120sec [2 mins or least connection timeout of any configured backend ldap timeout]
Increase the ping interval to 60 seconds (or more as needed) in the opmn.xml file.
When the system is busy, a ping from the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) to Oracle Virtual Directory may fail. As a result, OPMN will restart Oracle Virtual Directory after 20 seconds (the default ping interval). To avoid this, consider increasing the ping interval to 60 seconds or more.
The ping interval can be modified in the $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OPMN/opmn/opmn.xml as shown below:

<process-type id="OVD" module-id="OVD">
                  <category id="start-options">
                     <data id="java-bin" value="$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java"/>
                     <data id="java-options" value="-server -Xms2056m -Xmx2056m -Dvde.soTimeoutBackend=120  -DdisableECID=1$ORACLE_HOME -Dcommon.components.home=$ORACLE_HOME/../oracle_common                     $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/JPS/jps-config-jse.xml"/>
                     <data id="java-classpath" value="$ORACLE_HOME/ovd/jlib/vde.jar$:$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar"/>
               <stop timeout="120"/>
              <ping interval="60"/>

  1. OVD-Server configurations

a)   Set the Threads configurations based on the Server Processor cores
If the 4CPUs exists then 40 threads configurable
( A common configuration is to have 10 threads per CPU. For example, if there are 4 central processing units on the system, then there would be 40 threads.);

Connection Timeout set to specific time period;
Connection Timeout – 60 (minutes)

Set the following param values in Listeners.os_xml (OVD/ovd1) file



  <keepAlive>false</keepAlive>  ...



Make sure to apply the same changes for “LDAP Endpoint”  & “LDAP SSL Endpoint” instances under Listener.os_xml file.

b)   Set the higher level of logger settings.
Logging Levels – change to Warning

c)   Set the Anonymous search to limit to restrict the load from anonymous calls.

Anonymou search : disable
  default: 1000 – change to  lower the number.. or 0

Set the following param values in server.os_xml





*******Not now the below.

d)   Close the inactive connections of client from OVD
change the following in  server.os_xml



By default, OVD does not close any connections to a client no matter how long the connection is idle. I recommend setting this to a value of 5 minutes so that connections that are idle are automatically closed. In such cases, OVD will close the connection and a FIN will be sent to the client so as to inform the client that the connection is closed by the server. The client can send an ACK and terminate the connection to the server. This parameter is in minutes.

  1. OVD-Adapter tuning

    Access the ODSM interface, open the  OIDGroups Adapter and change the source LDAP servers ‘Weight Value’ to 50 for each if there are 2 hosts exists – this change OVD will share the load equally to source ldaps.

b) in Routing tab , priority value set to ‘20’ – this change will give OVD 1st preference to search this branch when there is any search performs from root if other adapter priority is higher than this branch.
c) Repeat the same a & b steps for JOINADOID adapter
d) Repeat the same a & b steps for AD adapter but the priority value set to 30

* For all the above changes, requires to bounce the Oracle DB, OPMN processes.
* Requires to follow the above configurations for each OID instance installed host machine.

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